Resident Questions for Housing Area Panel


Reference: W2.1  

Question Title

Subsidence at Stevens Court

Date question raised


Week of Area Panel


Area in city


Star rating applied by residents

2 stars – local issue

Deadline for officer response

9am on 19th January

Name of officer responding

Theresa Youngman

Officer job title

Housing Programme Manager

Resident Question


There is subsidence at Stevens Court, which is getting worse.


This problem was identified at the Estate Walkabout in August 2022, with Rob Keelan.

Action requested:

Request an update on progress.

Officer Response

Officer contact details:

Theresa Youngman

Housing Programme Manager

Housing Investment and Asset Management

Officer Response:

Thank you for bringing the matter to our attention. I will arrange for a site visit and inspection in the next week and will report back. UPDATE Geof Gage 18.01.2023 Following site survey we will be engaging a consultant to undertake a further survey, investigation and report.



Surveyor will visit to inspect and report back. Procurement of consultant to start week commencing 23.01.2023.

Start date:

9th January 2023

End date:
